Monthly Archives: September 2009

Lilo and Stitch are now huge stars

Lilo and Stitch-Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride(English) When Lilo and Stitch was on its way back in 2002, no one really knew what to expect. The poster merely said Theres one in every family with a picture of what looked like … Continue reading

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Learn How To Get The Right Bag That Fits Your Body Shape?

Thats a question you rarely get to hear.When youre about to buy a bag, you will look for the pictures and maybe a couple of reviews or the opinions of other people who have previously bought the same handbag you … Continue reading

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Best Jewelry Purchasing Tips

Do you know why jewelries from Jaipur are that fascinating and why they are every collectors dream? The artisans who forged them are very skillful that individual jewelries possess distinct identity of their own. Some of these jewelries can be … Continue reading

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What You Need to be a Mobile Disk Jockey

Working as a mobile disk jockey (DJ) presents a whole load of challenges that a resident club DJ simply doesn’t have.One of the main issues is the need to carry all of that essential DJ equipment to each and every … Continue reading

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Learn How To Pick a Hair Style

There are times you will surely just settle it is time to go pay a visit to your hair stylists without even thinking of what kind of hair cut you want to get this time. Doesn’t matter what you might … Continue reading

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Tutorial – How To Choose your Hair Cut

Dont just go to your hair stylist’s and state – I need a haircut – first decide what you like so that you dont grieve over it later. Sure it could turn out just fine, but most of the time … Continue reading

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What Glasses are Flying off the Shelves this Summer

Summer is here along with the question what sunglasses is everyone going to be wearing? Every year the sunglasses market adopts a new look. Rembeber last summer everyone was wearing Ray Ban Wayfarer’s?

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Electric Guitars of the Gods

Gibson SG Supreme There can’t be many people who wouldn’t have loved to become a guitar hero. Standing onstage, legs apart thrashing out power chords and blistering guitar solos loud enough to make peoples ears bleed. And there are a … Continue reading

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